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Bring Me Your Every Darkness


Come to me, my Love, dressed in nothing but yourself, for you are more beautiful

To me than sunsets or mountains or fire, more perfect than the finest workings

Of the most intricate seed. Bring me all that is you for you shall have all that is me.

Bring me your hopes and your dreams and every secret of your deepest heart

And I will water and tend them like the young and blooming flower and sow their wild seeds

In every corner of my heart. Bring me the sadness and the fear, bring me your every darkness.

Never again will you face them alone, never again without our hands clasped tightly.

Come with your anger, your furious rage, for your storms do not frighten me away

And my heart was built for just this purpose, just this love that soothes you still and calm.

Bring me your passions and fire, your dark fantasies smoldering like hot coals.

I will gently blow upon each spark, each ember until they are red and raging.

I will match you heat for heat, fire for fire, until the licking flames make you quiver and moan.

I know the secret longings of your heart and I am formed perfectly to fill your deepest desires.

Bring me each bone of you wrapped in your soft and burning flesh; bring me your wetness;

I hunger for the pleasure that drips from your body and burns in your eyes and lips.

Bring me your moans and soft cries, all your sensual and desperate whispers in my ears;

I will give you more and more of what you crave until you are deeply and tightly filled.

Come with your softest, tenderest places exposed; bring me your true and naked heart

And I will rest it here with mine. I will shelter your secret softness against the world

And touch your gentle spirit to the depth; to the heart, to the core of you.

Bring me the thoughts of your beautiful mind like the pages of an open book;

I am warmed by your keen fire, intrigued by your interests, your questions and ideas,

For I delight in the workings of your every part and you are the book that I would read

Every day of my life, highlighted, underlined and marked with notes in all the margins.

Cover to cover I would know your every word, for you are the story of my life.

Come to me sad or refreshed, cloaked in mysteries or an open, translated page.

Come to me naked or clothed, dirty or clean; come ordered or disarrayed with your chaos and peace

And when you are hard I will love you harder, when you are soft I will be softer.

I want you for the good days and the bad, I want your bright joys and dark moods,

For I love you evenly and always, just as you are each moment of all the days and all the ways.



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