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How to Breathe and How to Fly


The sea was grey and green and blue today, blue like your eyes only less

Filled with magic, less filled with sunshine and fire like lightning.

Green like the thing you’ve grown in me but less urgent, less gripping.

I did not know love could bare such vibrant fruit until you walked

Into the garden of my heart and planted such wild and fierce little dreams.

The sun was blood-red like your passion as it spilled beneath the waves,

But I was not half so consumed as I am in you, not half so set on fire.

The sky was red and pink like the taste of you but nowhere near as sweet.

I could not make her cloudy lips moan with my eyes as I do with you.

Her body of air would not quiver and shake beneath my hands and lips.

I slipped into that darkness and danced the waves in my skin but the moon only watched

With half lidded eyes and did not join me or grasp hold of my flesh as you would.

I came because I knew that it would please your heart and because

Once we made love in the sand by the sea and ever since I have heard your

Moans in the crashing waves, felt your fingers caress my wet skin

In the wind, tasted your sweet and salty flavor upon the spray.

But I found no pleasure buried there in the sand or beneath the naked tide

Without your eyes so filled with longing, the intimate wonder of love’s strong desire,

Eyes so filled with the stars of my galaxy’s orbit. I’m drawn into you like gravity never dreamed.

Come back to me, Love, and bring the heat of your heart and the color of your soul.

I want to dive into you and swim you for days, so deep that our spirits touch.

I want to drink every drop of you and pour into your heart like pounding rain.

I want to turn to you in the night, find you there sleeping so soft and so sure,

To feel your warmth radiating like a little fire raging in your blood and bones,

Trace every line of you again with my hands and fingers and lips,

To speak to you the words of love that have no syntax or syllables,

Only deep phrases of the language of our hearts, crying out through

These bodies of flesh and light in the hot song of merging and joining.

Teach me again the magic of every moment. Teach me again how to breathe and how to fly.



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