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Our Torn and Broken Edges


My love, trace the lines of each one of my bones until you’ve made a map of me

Written into the blood of your heart and along the curving path of your breasts,

That you may travel me in the night with the tips of your fingers and the soles of your feet.

I want to be lost with you in the darkness and find my way home with you in the light.

I want to feel the draw of your breath in my lungs and your pulse within my chest.

Touch and feel me, on fire to the heart; feel me burning like the stars in rebirth.

Each time we make love I swear I come away new, something different, something you.

I have no name or any other thought, only deeply, desperately you, perfectly you;

Only you in my eyes and within my heart and along the secret places of all my parts.

I want to wrap myself in the blanket of your body and fall asleep with your spirit,

Just as we stay together long after making love, wrapped close in the intimate warmth of us.

Connected and consumed in our passion, whole and complete, replenished

And refreshed in the soft peace of our love as it sooths our torn and broken

Edges; the parts we fuse back together in our hearts as these bodies reunite

And the ones we pull back away each time we must be apart, even for a while.

I want to live you, in you and with you, like this forever and I’ve seen what you crave,

Seen it written upon your face as we plunged and pulled us together so urgently,

Felt the pulse of this desire lying naked in your eyes as we cried out.

Your body spoke the words buried so deep at the root of my being;

In the fabric of my soul. I read the longing of your spirit in these bright

And desperate eyes, in your soft voice that begs me to consume you like fire.

We cried out together in this wild, little ecstasy, this song of our coming home.

So beautiful the way we clutched and held one another so close, whispering our love

Into each other’s hearts, pleading to stay just here and now in all of the universe,

Wrapped so deep and tight, so warm and smooth and wet in this embrace;

The flesh of all my body, alive and on fire, feeling the flickering pulse of you in every part.

Shaking and trembling and at peace in every thread of existence, every chamber of my heart;

Planted and rooted deep in you where I belong, where I have always belonged.

My love, you are the place I’ve been growing and dreaming toward all my life.

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